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Disney's Princess: Relics to Role Models

A podcast is a carrier that is different from an article. It can convey our ideas to the listener in the form of audio. The microsite includes the podcast and can provide listeners with more background information about the podcast, such as the members, the purpose of the podcast, and the resources cited. Our podcast wants to show the Disney's progress in how they present these roles, keeping up with the trends of society. We mainly analyze and compare the appearance of princesses in old and new movies, and seek to find Disney animated movies’ social construction to gender role.

1. Pre-Production: Preparation and Planning

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- This article has had a great impact on the development of our views on the relationship between Disney and social construction. When I first read it, I could understand that the social construction of gender roles in Disney movies has been changing over time. So, our podcast decided to compare the old and new movies to reveal these changes and discover the changes in social perceptions of gender roles.
- This is the screenshot of the Discussion Topics with Your Groupmates assignment. This assignment allowed me to share my thoughts with my group members, and I clarified my writing ideas when thinking about the podcast topics. I think I can reflect on Disney’s social construction of gender roles by comparing the old and new movies. 
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- Killing Us Softly made me realize the concept of social construction for the first time. And it made me think about the impact of Disney animation films on us from small to large. Their construction of female roles has an unconscious influence on children's cognition, and it will become part of their values in the future. This makes me want to analyze Disney's animated films and see how they embed this social construction of gender roles into it and pass it on to the audience. So the main point of my podcast and article is to analyze Disney's animated films.

 2. Production--Creating the Podcast and Microsite

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The model podcast annotation assignment helped me grasp an angle to find out how social construction has transformed female characters in Disney movies. I chose a podcast from Kalyn’s Coffee Talk called Why Disney Princesses Are Problematic. In this podcast, Kalyn raised the shortcomings of belle. Although she has many qualities different from Snow White, she is still tied up by romantic love at the end. So, I used this in my script. 
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This is the outline we discussed. Our group decided to use the perspective of contrasting goals I proposed to show Disney's social construction of female characters. Because I believe goals can represent the values of that role, and can effectively reflect some of her qualities. In the end, our team members agreed with my idea so I adopted it.

I was in charge of editing. This picture is an Instagram message I sent to our group members after completing a meeting. I needed to ensure that there are two days because I was worried that unexpected events would happen.

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3. Looking Ahead in Three Paragraphs

The mistake we made was we arrange the content too precisely, which caused me to find that the time did not achieve the requirement when I finished the editing. And this mistake cause we spent more time to fix. So when we make a podcast next time, everyone needs to record a few more, so that they won't rush to make up the recording because the time does not meet the requirement in the end.

I think this group project helped a lot. The professor's arrangement ensures that each of us participates in it. We did many zoom meetings and used many tools such as Google share, so we completed most of the tasks during the online discussion, which made us complete the project with high efficiency and good quality.


Although the angle of my writing content will be a bit different from that of podcasts, there are some ideas in our podcast that can be used in it. For example, one of the segments in our podcast analyzes princesses at different stages in pursuing different goals, and these goals can reflect Disney‘s social construction of gender roles. This comparison of goals can be used in my article, because my article is mainly to analyze and compare female characters at different stages (but not limited to princesses).
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